Lim WeiLing is intrigued by the complex workings in our life; in which she continually explores more ways to make sense of the world in her works.  She explores her work in the periphery of architecture across the fields in art, design, education & creative methodologies.

She is part of the design triumvirate INDEX and a founder of Crew No.6 and previously co-founder of DO Agency & [+O]. She is currently an adjunct lecture at The Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts. She had dedicated the past decade teaching and formulating learning & curriculum for The Diploma in Architecture and Diploma in Spatial Design at Nanyang Polytechnic where she found her passion in nurturing youth through the gamification of architecture design methodologies and hands-on urban interventions for cultural activation.

As an educator, she has designed and written several creative methodologies, exploring story-telling through speculative designs of architecture and spaces. She believes that a well-designed methodology with good facilitation can uncover the innate creativity and imagination in anyone.

In her own practice, she is interested the in the insertion of ephemeral architecture and spatial installations as speculative urban narratives to activate possible new ways-of-life and new relationships between people and their environment in our public spaces. She values the involvement of students and the community in her practice and has led multiple award-winning works with her students including the Red Dot Design Award. Her exploration with c o o p, an architecture kit-of parts under Crew No.6/ DO Agency x NYP has also won several accolades namely the Singapore Design Award (Gold), Singapore Good Design Mark and the Cities of Love Award.

WeiLing is a graduate of the National University of Singapore in Architecture and subsequently received Masters of Arts in Design Futures with Distinction from Goldsmiths College, University of London. She was selected to be a Creator-in-Residence at Tokyo Wonder Site (2009) and Artist in Residence at Esplanade Theatres by the Bay (2008). She has also exhibited installations of design methodologies at the Singapore International Festival of Arts, London Design Festival, Milan Design Week, Singapore Night Festival, i Light Marina Bay and Archifest. She was a presenter of Singapore Supergarden, Singapore Pavilion in the 11th Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition 2008 under [+O]. She won the President’s Design Award for her installation in The Finger Players’ production 0501.